Senator Fowler Issues Budget Statement

State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) issued the following statement after Democrat lawmakers passed a budget that spends more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“While I had remained hopeful that lawmakers could work together to produce a responsible budget, I’m disappointed to share that the proposal passed through the Senate does not prioritize Illinoisans. In fact, their action today balloons spending to a shocking $53 billion dollars, raising taxes on the people of Illinois, and directing almost $1 billion toward non-citizen programming.

Rather than focus on helping struggling families make ends meet, what was done today sets a troubling new state record—increasing state spending by 32% since the current Administration took office in 2019. This isn’t about tax relief for the citizens, it’s about tax increases to fund an irresponsible, unsustainable agenda built on the backs of Illinoisans. Our working families deserve a budget that reflects the values and needs of the people of this state, which is why I voted no.”

Dale Fowler

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