
State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) is set to host his first-ever Sportsmen’s and Outdoorsmen’s Update Meeting on Monday, October 15.

From 6:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., area hunters, anglers, trappers, and outdoor enthusiasts are invited to join Senator Fowler for an open discussion about legislation impacting Illinois’ sportsmen. Representatives from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) will also be there to discuss new laws, important dates for hunting/fishing, and provide an update on the hunting seasons.

Interested participants are asked to register to attend by e-mailing lyates@sgop.ilga.gov or calling (217) 782-2181.

In other news, Senator Fowler recently announced the release of $1 million in capital funding to go toward the proposed river port terminal in the city of Cairo.

In the announcement, Senator Fowler underscored the importance of this key investment in Southern Illinois.

“These dollars are signaling a commitment to this project and the revitalization of this region,” said Senator Fowler. “I’m encouraged to see funding being given to a project that will pave the way for economic growth and opportunity for Cairo and the surrounding area.”

Appropriated as part of the current FY 2019 state budget, the $1 million will be used to fund permitting, engineering, and design costs for the port terminal. According to Todd Ely, the President of Ely Consulting Group, a river port terminal would benefit over a dozen counties in Southern Illinois. Currently, over a dozen businesses have expressed interest in the port project.

With Veterans Day just around the corner, Senator Fowler is encouraging constituents to submit a tribute and photo of their loved ones who served our country to be displayed on the Veterans Day “Wall of Honor” in the Illinois Capitol from Nov. 5-16.

“Our veterans and their families sacrifice so much for us, dedicating themselves to the protection of our nation and our freedoms,” said Senator Fowler. “This tribute wall is about recognizing, honoring and remembering our veterans for their selflessness, bravery and service.”

Families are to submit photos and written stories (max: 250 words) along with the following information: name, military branch (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy) and conflict served (Afghanistan, Iraq, September 11, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI, Peacetime, other). Military photos are preferred but not necessary.

Please email submissions to veteransday@sgop.ilga.gov by Nov. 5. Submissions can also be mailed to Veterans Day Wall, 309 G Statehouse, Springfield, IL 62706. For questions, call 217-782-1650.

In other local news, Senator Fowler was welcomed as “Principal For A Day” at Eldorado Elementary School on October 11. Senator Fowler joined students and faculty at the local school, spending time in classrooms and interacting with students throughout the school day.

According to the Illinois Principals Association, “Principal For A Day” provides opportunities for principals and other administrators to build and refine relationships with their State and Federal legislators.

Dale Fowler

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