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Staying Safe This Thanksgiving

As Illinois residents prepare for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, whether they are cooking at home or traveling to visit loved ones, it is important to


Veterans Memorial Returns to Capitol

The Veterans Memorial Display has returned to the Illinois State Capitol and is now open for visitors Hosted by the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus, this


Veto Session Begins

Lawmakers convened in Springfield for the start of the fall Veto Session on November 12. The first week of the Veto Session concluded without substantial


SOS Promotes Distracted Driver Campaign

The Illinois Secretary of State’s (SOS) office has launched a new campaign, “One Road. One Focus,” aimed at raising awareness of the risks associated with


Veto Session Set to Begin

The Illinois General Assembly’s annual Fall Veto Session is approaching, scheduled for November 12-14 and November 19-21. While traditionally focused on addressing legislation vetoed by

Dale Fowler

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